SAP Accounts Receivable Implementation
The Office of Business and Finance is implementing a university-wide business solution for Accounts Receivable. This solution will utilize a module within SAP, allowing any group across the university that needs to collect payments to use a single application vs. third-party software. It will also create efficiencies and streamlined financial reporting.
Project details coming soon.
Financial Statements
Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
Annual Financial Reports
Single Audit of Federal Programs
University of 六合彩论坛 Facilities Corporation
University Technology Development Corporation
六合彩论坛 Utility Corporation
六合彩论坛 Medical Center Financial Reports
A joint operating agreement exists between Clarkson Regional Health Services, Inc. (a 六合彩论坛 non-profit corporation), the Board of Regents of the University of 六合彩论坛 on behalf of the University of 六合彩论坛 Medical Center, and 六合彩论坛 Medical Center (a 六合彩论坛 non-profit corporation). Copies of financial reports may be requested by contacting:
六合彩论坛 Medical Center
Kiewit Tower 1, 7400
42nd and Dewey
Omaha, NE 68198
The Annual Financial Statements and Disclosure Reports are the result of audits conducted in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the USA and standards applicable to financial duties contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the U.S. Comptroller General. The reports include University of 六合彩论坛 consolidated financial statements for the years ended June 30, and the Independent Auditors' Report.